Friday 27 November 2015

LO3: Presentation Feedback and Questionnaire

Survey Responses:

What could be improved or changed on my logo?
- Maybe tilt the J round slightly or try and make it more clear that it's a J. Perfect otherwise.
- I think that the logo is really good, I think the only thing that could be changed is the first letter to be more clear maybe, I thought it looked like an S? looks good though

Does the graphic design I have created appeal to the audience I am trying to aim towards? Is it appropriate for the demographic I have decided on?
- Yes because it's quite simple, quite professional and suitable for the age range.. Idea- try putting the date and time where the website is or on the side of the ticket where the barcode is because I think the block of colour of the box where the date and time is ruins the style slightly.
- Yes I think it suits the audience, looks 'rocky' and appropriate for the audience, its not very feminine though.

With the genre I have based my work on, do you think that the design reflects the genre?
- I think it does because it fits the house style and conventions of a rock festival, using the appropriate colours.
- I would say ROCK because of the colours used and the style reflects that genre.

If the graphic design was available and can be bought, would you buy it or would you not? What would your reason be for doing either?
- I wouldn't buy the t-shirt as it seems quite masculine and wouldn't be suitable for me. However purchasing the logo on a key ring or something, I think would be interesting.
- I think that it looks professional and something that I would be interested in if I was a fan of what genre.

Did I deliver my presentation well in terms of being able to explain what I have a done and planning to do?
- I think the presentation explains enough in detail about your festival and states some reasons on why you pick certain choices.
- I think that the presentation was good, however you could have added more logo ideas i.e other options

Survey Analysis:
- The logo seems to have a slight problem with the 'J' part of the J-Rock section appearing like an S or something other than a J. This will need to be omitted.

- My design choices are apparently appropriate for the demographic I have chosen. Some elements such as trying to appeal to the female portion of the audience and the design in general seems to be a little off putting in that case. I will most likely change the design to accommodate that partially in a way, without getting rid or overlapping the original feeling of the graphic design.

- The colours and design choices I have made apparently fit the Rock genre. However, some of the designs do have some need for clarity.

- Certain merchandise (such as the shirt) doesn't seem to appeal well with a female audience but they would rather have something smaller in size such as a key ring. Although, others are still interested in buying the merchandise with the graphics design.

- The presentation was received quite well as I managed to deliver the appropriate and correct information that I needed to in terms of explaining my chosen genre, theme and choice of design.

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