Friday 27 November 2015

LO4: Legal and Ethical

Legal and Ethical - J-Rock Fest

The graphics design work and forms of advertisement follows the rules that the ASA codes have set out. My campaign/planned event follows the rules and are only concerned about the following:

- Compliance
- Recognition of marketing communications
- Harm and offence
- Database practice
- Alcohol

Other codes that are not on the list is followed but they are not of a concern in terms of the type of event I have planned out. Considering that it is a music festival type event, it will not have anything on Misleading Advertisement, Political Advertisement, any sales promotions, distance selling, Environmental claims, Medicines, medical devices, health-related products and beauty products, Health concerns, Financial products and any form of gambling. 

The designs I have created does not require any form of images which are copyrighted and/or owned by a specific group. Each design is made with original and owned assets so I have no need to consider anything concering copyright. 

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