Friday 16 October 2015

LO1: Task 1 - Analysing existing graphic design work

Analysis of existing media graphics - On these points:
A)     Purpose
B)      Format
C)      Content
D)     Style
E)      Layout
F)      Target Audience
G)     Regulatory Bodies

Analysis Summaries:

A) Purpose
The purpose of every form of print media is to promote an event in some way. Graphics design is a key element to a successful form of promotion. It allows to catch people's eyes by being different, original and eye popping. Graphics design allows people to create a theme that a promotional piece of work can follow and it is appropriate for that promotional event. Logos are one of the main ways of creating a promotional graphics work since they are made to show the core purpose of an event. The example logo displays the name of the event in which most people have some way of recognizing it. Most graphics designs doesn't have to be over the top but as long as they convey the point that they are trying to get across. Some graphic design can be simple and they can easily get the attention of people rather easily as they are showing what that person would want to see.

B) Format
There are several formats that feature graphics design in some way. Graphic mediums such as logos, tickets, flyer, billboard posters and clothing designs. They don't necessarily have to be printed media as they can be featured on other forms of mediums which include merchandise. Different formats provide certain ways and graphic design layouts to convey the purpose.

C) Content
Content is delivered through the way the format allows the layout of the graphics design and what purpose is being projected. In this case, the main content featured is about music festivals which means they promote music and artists and the way they promote up and coming artists is they put their names on the spotlight on the graphics design. Flyers for example have designs that feature the logo of the event which means people who recognize the logo will recognize what the flyer is for and in turn allow them to figure out the rest of the content of the flyer, knowing what to expect on what is on the flyer.

D) Style
Graphics design allows for very overly stylised or simplistic forms of design. This is all to help promote the event that the graphics design was made for. Having certain styles can reflect the type of musical event is going to be featured. Music events which have a lot of pop genre music will have designs that heavily features bright colours, sometimes over the top designs, waves of people enjoying the music.

E) Layout
Layout is an important part of any form of promotional graphic media because without it, most designs will be too much for the eyes, will make no sense and will not help it convey the purpose it is trying to get across. The layout has to be able to show the information clearly and has to help get the point across which means the layout will be heavily linked with the style and content available.

F) Target Audience
The target audience heavily depends on the style and content that the graphic media is trying to aim towards. However, most of the main audience will consists mostly of young people between the ages of 17-21~ who are students and have a lot of free time and have friends and some money to spend things on. In which case, they are the easy targets for music festivals as they can go with their friends to have fun. Some designs and layouts reflect that theme

G) Regulatory Bodies
Each form of event has several regulatory bodies which will be the general authority over that event. In the case of music fests, the regulatory bodies would most likely consist of authorities having authority over the safety of the environment, health and safety, some form of advertising regulator and possibly anything related to having any forms of copyright issues.

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