Monday 19 October 2015

LO1: Task 1 - Tramlines

A)     Purpose
The purpose of the graphics design for each of the format is for promotional material for Tramlines Festival. Each of the format have their own way of conveying the purpose of the graphics featured. Each with different layouts and content but a certain graphic is constantly present throughout all of them which in this case is the logo.

B)      Format
There are 5 different formats which feature graphic design that help convey the purpose of the promotion for Tramlines Festival. These types of format are extremely common in promotional materials as they are the easiest to manage, create and design layouts and styles for.

C)      Content
The content that is most prominent among the formats is on the poster which features all the artists that are going to be playing in the Tramlines Festival. The shirt features a stylised version of the logo to make it appear more themed and follows the type of event that the promotion is trying to show.

D)     Style
The style featured for the Tramlines Festival follows a certain colour pallete that includes red, light blue black and white. Light blue and red contrast each other extremely well and white colours used for the text helps to split apart the colours to create a simple but stylish design, specifically for the poster. The colours white, red and black are more present in the other formats but that is due to the lack of light blue. The main reason for the poster having a light blue type colour is the fact that it is the inverse of the red prominently present across the poster. Having the complete opposite colour helps make some of the text and layout design pop out more, especially since the logo also features that use of inverse colour.

E)      Layout

The layout is clean and very simple. Not getting in the way of each of the features of the graphic. The ticket format for example features very little but gets the point across in that it is a ticket for the Tramlines Festival between Friday 19th of July to Sunday 21st of July. Another example of extremely concise design is the poster; the font and text, logo and title placement, small stylised banner for the pricing and the text for the artists all are seperate and do not overlap each other. This makes it easy for the poster to get the information across.

F)      Target Audience
The target audience of Tramlines Festival was targeted towards people who often go to festivals and most likely between the ages of 18-35 years of age. This is probably because of the music that is being promoted and the type of style the graphics are showing. It seems more appealing towards the younger generation of people. Considering that the festival is based in a student filled city, it's most likely promoted towards students.

G)     Regulatory Bodies
The regulatory body seems to be the ASA.

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